06 September 2006

random advice to a young artist (that I also need to hear myself from time to time)

always strive to do your best work, don't show anything less. Keep regular hours in your studio so that when you go through a slump you have discipline to bolster yourself. Work hard, talent alone is meaningless without a work ethic. Realize quickly that the art world isn't fair and move on. Don't sell yourself short, and don't let anyone else sell you short, either. Be confident, but not arrogant. Never burn a bridge if you can help it. Read everything. Be able to intelligently discuss your work. Don't let rejection get to you, there's another opportunity around the corner -- be ready for it. Don't forget to have fun, if you don't love what you do there are certainly more profitable professions. And speaking of that: don't expect to make money at your work, it will be that much more pleasant of a surprise if you do. Don't forget to grow.

Yup, guess that's about it.

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