11 March 2006

We are the Champions, my friends...

After a grueling 2 weeks, $100 in adhesive products, and about 27 paper cuts, I am very proud to announce that my team, the Capsule Art Thugs, won the 2006 ADCD Paper Fashion Show! Yay!

The ADCD puts on this paper fashion show every year, and it's a pretty cool event. It's an amazing challenge to try to get paper to move like fabric, and to engineer it in such a way that it fits your model, rather than just being a stiff cylinder.

The last couple of weeks were incredibly frustrating, and there are things the organizers could do better next time, but overall it was worth it. I had a blast working with Dave & Katie & Brandon, Amie was the most fantastic model and muse we could have ever wished for, and the fact that the event was the night after the Project Runway Finale helped us get pumped up. (Santino was robbed! Sorry Chloe, still love you too, but that pink dress!)

Here's some photos, and a link to last year's video. (My dress was the last, sort of NAKED one!)

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