22 February 2006

Happiness is a choice

It's not so much a state of mind as it is a series of decisions.

When you know what makes you happy, you can choose to expose yourself to that which makes you happy. If you reverse it it works the same way. (i.e. -- what makes you unhappy can be avoided.)

Happiness is not something that happens to you, it is something you create within yourself, usually in spite of the world rather than because of it.

It's never easy, but we all have it within ourselves to choose happiness. If you look deep within your soul, you know what you need to be happy. Then it's up to you to strive to create that world.

I'm still striving...but it's in the process of "creating your happiness" that it's found.

Good luck on your journey to happiness. I hope that you are able to find it, or at the very least, peace.

1 comment:

Byron said...

Yeah. Happiness is hard to find ain't it. When I was in the Army a Drill Sergeant asked me what the hardest thing in life was. I said to find hapiness. He called me a fag and everyone laughed. But I think they all knew I was on to something.

Take care. Ken Vallario's paintings are great aren't they. I thought the CL forum would like them.
